Activity 3
3.1 Collect information from all the municipalities of Bangladesh on the best practices through online platforms:
To expand and scale up municipality citizen services as well as best practices related to urban planning and governance MAB will collect all the necessary information regarding existing and future practices through online platforms. In order to do so, following sub-activities will be carried out:
- Develop an online system to collect information form the municipalities on their best practices along with development of the guideline
- Provide orientation on the online system to the municipalities and disseminate the online system to the municipalities so that they can feed data into the system. The online system will be very simple, and the guidelines will be prepared so that it can be self-explanatory. Where necessary, orientation will be provided online via Skype, Microsoft team, zoom, hangout or any other available platform that suits better for all parties.
- Feed data by the municipality. In order to do so, MAB will ask the Mayors to nominate one focal point from each of the municipalities prior to proving orientation. A timeframe will be allowed for data feeding by the concerned municipalities.
- Analyze the collected data and generate report highlighting the best practices, their impact and how it can be replicated in an innovative way based on the experiences of the towns who have already successfully done it.
- The data feeding to this system will be opened for all municipalities and when there are any best practices that the towns identify and implements, they will report it to the online system. Therefore, this system will be a continuous system and MAB will develop it further as and when necessary.
- There would be an icon named Questionnaire
3.2 Identify the best practices through organizing regional horizontal learning programs with participation of the municipalities:
After collecting information regarding best practices, MAB will form a team to analyze the information and develop criteria for a champion practice. Later, it will be shared with the participants of municipalities. In order to demonstrate and showcase the best practices, one horizontal learning program will be organized where the selected municipalities will be presenting their best practice with process and results so that other municipalities can learn from them. In this regard, the sub-activities associated with this line activity are as follows:
- Process the sector wise information gathered through online and prepare a model to present it to the mayor and other personnel of municipalities
- Invite the selected municipalities to the regional horizontal learning program organize to participate and present their best practices.
- Prepare necessary materials by the concerned municipalities to present and showcase their best practices at the event. The materials will be posters showing processes, and results, 3d models, PowerPoint slides, etc. From MAB HQ side, they will also be advancing with necessary preparations like developing guidelines for the horizontal learning program, venue selection and all other logistics.
- Conduct the planned horizontal learning program with participation of all the selected municipalities. In this program, municipalities can also bring any partner organization related to the best practices they are presenting.
- Prepare a report with recommendation about the best practices that are suitable to replicate in other municipalities based on the outcome of the horizontal learning program and the online data collection.
3.3 Document the best practices and achievements of the municipalities and publish it in MAB’s newsletter and another communicable format regularly:
After identifying suitable models of best practices, MAB will prepare documentation in a specific format and take measures to publish it in newsletter, workshop, seminars and conference papers. Following sub-activities will be undertaken in this regard:
- Develop an appropriate format for subsequent documentation, compilation of the identified practices, achievements, views of some renowned urban experts, activists on those practices.
- Organize publishing those in the subsequent issues of MAB Newsletters and choose other suitable communicable form for wider circulation.
- Through rapport development with other peer organizations, efforts to get the matter included in their relevant publications or documentary materials for usual circulation during various workshop, seminars, conferences etc.
- The Newsletter will be quarterly basis. Therefore, 4 newsletters will be published by the MAB whereas in each version some of the best practices will be published. Apart from this, in the newsletter the positive changes in the governance of different municipalities will also be highlighted.
3.4 Replicate selected best practices in non-LIUPCP municipalities:
After documenting and publishing of the best practices, MAB will replicate those practices related to poverty reductions in non-LIUPCP municipalities. This activity will include the following sub-activities:
- List the group of non-LIUPCP municipalities considering suitability for replication of the identified best practices related to poverty reductions. Pilot replication shall be in five municipalities where Mayors are very keen and willing to replicate the best practice in their respective municipalities. Due to limited budget availability the best practices that are of low-cost will get the priority to replicate.
- Develop necessary materials in both hard and softcopy as the guidelines for distribution and communication to the target municipal authorities for replication.
- Monitor the progress of the activities and ensure that the replication is going smoothly as per plan.
- Organize suitable event for communication, interaction with the group at convenience in the MAB regions. Ultimately this will be expected to be an issue of development concerns for the respective MAB regional committees towards achievement.
- Share the findings / results at the municipality level with wider municipal stakeholders.
- Prepare a report on the replicated best practices and submit to UNDP.