Local Economic Development

The Local Government Division (LGD) and SwissContact are implementing the Local Economic Development (LED) project at the local level in Bangladesh to accelerate the country's overall economy.

About Prabriddhi- Local Economic Development project

The Municipal Association of Bangladesh is working in partnership with Swisscontact Bangladesh to strengthen the capacity of municipality-level institutions through the Prabriddhi-Local Economic Development Project, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The project’s objective is to facilitate and renew the decentralization process while providing support to local enterprises in both rural and urban territories. This involves capacity-building efforts aimed at improving the welfare of municipal residents and workers.PRABRIDDHI focuses on building the capacity of an urban or rural territory to create a competitive advantage for its enterprises through a broad set of activities and improve the economic well-being of its people and workers. PRABRIDDHI is essentially participatory short-term planning, bottom-up designed, owned and delivered, relying on public-private collaboration with an iterative, transparent and open-ended process. PRABRIDDHI is funded by SDC and implemented by Swisscontact.

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