To unite all the municipalities of Bangladesh as a cohesive family by fostering a collective voice to make the local government dynamic, effective, strong, and public-friendly through democratic decentralization and good governance.
Our mission is to empower the municipalities of Bangladesh and contribute to the development and prosperity of Bangladesh by fulfilling the following objectives:
1.Upholding the civil rights of municipal residents.
2.Advocating for strong and effective democratic local self-government.
3.Implementing measures to enhance the effectiveness of municipalities through improved management, finance, and administration.
4.Promoting participatory democratic management.
5.Conducting capacity-building initiatives for elected representatives, officers, and staff.
6.Establishing municipalities as corruption-free institutions through transparency and accountability.
7.Fostering constructive relationships among residents, administration, national service-provider organizations, government bodies, NGOs, donor agencies, media, and municipalities, while undertaking various projects.
8.Initiating policy reforms and advocating for good governance.
9.Utilizing ICT best practices and facilitating knowledge exchange domestically and internationally.
10.Reforming conflicting circulars and policies through negotiation with the national government and other activities that serve municipalities' interests.
11.Serving as a facilitator and coordination body with the Urban Wing of the Local Government Division of the National Government of Bangladesh.
12.Securing support and resources from national and international sources to maintain our network and implement programs benefiting municipalities and the association.
By including the country's municipalities in a family, as a united voice (United Voice), making the local government a dynamic, effective, strong and public welfare institution, playing an effective role in establishing democratic decentralization and good governance:
Purpose of the Association:
- Ensuring civil rights of citizens.
- To look after and establish and preserve the rights, interests and facilities of the municipality.
- To strengthen the municipality, take necessary measures to improve the quality of municipal manpower, finance and management, administration and ensure participatory and democratic governance.
- Taking initiatives to improve the skills of elected public representatives, officers and employees by providing necessary training and technical support at home and abroad.
- To promote the municipality as a corruption-free institution by creating an environment of transparency and accountability.
- Develop good relations between administration, state service agencies, public-private, international organizations, donor agencies, media and municipalities and undertake necessary projects.
- Accelerating the process of establishing good governance and decentralization through policy formulation, reform activities, advocacy.
- To ensure optimal use of information technology and to connect the association with the global community by accumulating and exchanging experiences at home and abroad.
- Conciliation with the government to bring up-to-date various circulars/circulars, regulations or related laws that are in conflict with the constitution of Bangladesh and are against the interests of the municipality, make amendments and additions, present demands and take programs for the realization of rights.
- Accepting and implementing various projects of municipal associations and municipalities by increasing the financial capacity of the association through various donor organizations, international organizations, banks, financial institutions, public-private organizations.
- To develop a strong network using information technology in coordination with all municipalities of Bangladesh and to exchange information between municipalities by setting up data banks (information technology).
- Contribute to the formation of planned cities/towns through training, research and technical assistance.
- Establishing association relations with various organizations of international level, gaining membership, exchanging information and experience or using the acquired experience for the development of the municipality.
- Service delivery is hampered if the salaries and allowances of municipal officials are not guaranteed; Which is a big obstacle for the formation of strong local government. Therefore, until the capacity of the municipalities reaches the specified target, increase the allocation from the sanction and allocation demands (management) sector to the salary and allowance support sector of the officials and employees working in the municipality.
- It is almost impossible to meet the retirement dues of municipal officers and employees with the limited nanny of geographically disadvantaged municipalities. For this, a central gratuity fund is formed to solve this problem by depositing and investing money there.
- Although the Local Government (Municipal) Act was enacted in 2009, many other necessary regulations, including employment regulations, could not be made in light of the new law in the last 12 years. Due to which, due to lack of necessary rules, many times problems arise to work. All pending rules and regulations need to be framed under the law on an urgent basis to meet future challenges.
- In order to maintain administrative discipline including following the Local Government (Municipalities) Act 2009 and the Municipal Employees Service Rules in the appointment of Chief Executive Officers in municipalities, action may be taken taking into account the grade of officers working in the municipality in the appointment of Chief Executive Officers.
- The following recommendations are requested to be considered in order to increase the income of the Corporation.
- 5% instead of 2% of land development tax, 2% instead of 4% of land registration, birth registration fees and money received from sale of municipal developmental work tenders must be provided to the municipality as own income.
- Fees to be received by the Municipality for construction and reconstruction of buildings in item (4) of the Third Schedule. However, the fee received from the building above 7 floors is being deposited in the public sector through the DC office, which is in conflict with the Municipal Act 2009. Although plan approval is implemented through a separate committee, the entire fee can be deposited in the municipality.
- Since the municipality is a 100% service institution; Therefore, for the purpose of planned urbanization, management, development and maintenance, supervision and management of unused government land and allotted land, open spaces, open play areas, ponds and reservoirs and other local resources within the municipality are entrusted to the municipality and the unused land of the Zilla Parishad within the municipality is the responsibility of the urban planner. If allotment is given in favor of the municipality according to the habitable needs, on the one hand the income opportunities will increase and on the other hand the land use can be ensured. With the aim of increasing the permanent income of the municipality, if special funds are provided for the construction of commercial buildings on the municipal and government land, the permanent income of the municipalities will be created.
- The Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh has formulated the Standard Tax Schedule under the powers provided in Section 100 of the Local Government (Municipalities) Act-2009 (Act No. 58 of 2009) in accordance with SR, R, and Act No. 246/2014. Section 6 of the said Tax Schedule Nos. 16 and 17 respectively imposed an annual tax on vehicles owned and operated on hire or commercial basis, a portion of the registration fee for vehicles plying in municipal areas registered by the B.R.T.A. it needs to be confirmed.
- In the case of land management and building construction of all public and private institutions, there should be an instruction regarding the implementation according to the master plan with the approval of the municipality. In the case of construction of government buildings, it is necessary to take necessary steps to get design approval from the municipality and pay the prescribed fee. Arrangement of land acquisition for road widening along with formulation of drainage network master plan for simultaneous land development and waterlogging relief and taking effective action accordingly.
- On the special lands where the municipality has built bazaars, shops and markets in the past. I request to take necessary measures to permanently allocate those places in favor of the municipality.
- The strategic policy stated in paragraph 7.2.6 of the Seventh Five Year Plan is that "the national tax policy shall include an integrated tax distribution system through which revenue will be shared between the national and local levels." Issuance of income distribution instructions suitable for the implementation of the strategic policy at the field level. A fixed share of 40% of the total revenue generated by the government within each municipal area is given to the municipality to become self-sustaining.
- There is no alternative for municipalities to create their own institutions to meet the challenges of tomorrow. Sustainable development is not possible even if temporary activities are carried out depending on any other institution. Section 54 of the Municipal Act provides for the provision of financial and technical assistance to the Government to develop infrastructure for the use of advanced information technology in order to ensure good governance in every municipality. Training institutes may be established under section 116.
- The role of municipalities in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals is undeniable. As important as recruiting competent officers and employees in this municipality, there is no alternative to skilling them. Online-based service infrastructure needs to be developed for easy and fast delivery of services desired by the people.
- In order to deliver services to the people, taking measures to build necessary infrastructure for the management and operation of ward-based offices of municipal councilors.
- For a long time, the municipality was earning from the non-motorized vehicles i.e. van and rickshaw license sector. Today vans and Rish have been modernized into battery operated easy-bikes. Municipalities are losing income from this sector due to various reasons. Considering the matter, I request the municipality to give the right to register Easy-Bike and provide driver's driving license.
- The amount allocated from the annual development program of the municipality is insufficient compared to the requirement. A single municipality or a few municipalities come together to take measures to implement development work by preparing DPP in a cluster form after setting standards.
- It is necessary to formulate rules or policies related to taxation clearly from the mobile base station (tower).
- Municipal electricity bills should be charged at residential rates instead of commercial rates and tax should be fixed for electric poles installed on municipal roads.
- Necessary instructions have been issued to the district administration to confirm the collection of professional fees as per serial no. 15 of the standard tax schedule and section 6.
- A tax may be levied on all vehicles within which highway vehicles ply within the municipality.
- Since the municipality is a 100% service organization, the VAT and income tax payable by the municipality should be considered as a service organization for the purpose of planned urbanization.Inclusion of representatives of Bangladesh Municipal Association-MAB in the relevant committees including taking the opinion of Bangladesh Municipal Association-MAB on local government policy-making and national policy reform of various ministries of the government.
- Donation of 1 (one) bigha of land in favor of MAB at a symbolic price for the establishment of a full-fledged 'MAB Secretariat' (Mayor-Councilor and Municipal Officers-Employees accommodation including establishment of MAB Resource Center, Digital Library and Training Center at the allotted place.
- Appropriation of Tk 15 crore per year for the salary and allowances of the officials and employees of Bangladesh Municipal Corporation-MAB from the sanction and allocation claims (footing) sector, for training institutes and MAB office rent and related sectors to increase the capacity of municipalities.
- In order to bring about the financial solvency of the municipalities, removing the obstacles created in all the sectors which are specified in the municipal law to receive money and increasing the revenue income through the creation of new service sectors.
- Taking appropriate initiatives and measures to increase funds in the development assistance sector to ensure services according to citizen needs.
- Urbanization is increasing day by day. There is a need to form an independent development unit to help municipalities meet future needs and achieve sustainable development.
- Due to the implementation of National Pay Scale 2015, the erstwhile Tulsa has seen a huge increase in salaries and the crisis has increased and the income of the municipalities has been greatly affected due to the corona epidemic. As a result, financial crisis has arisen in the municipalities. To overcome this crisis, take necessary measures to provide government assistance in favor of municipalities against losses.
- Confirmation of decisions and recommendations of municipal authorities in implementing various facilities, allowances programs provided by the government within the municipal area.
- For the need of modern waste management, it is necessary to take steps regarding human waste management, including the construction of garbage plants along with the provision of land.
- Mobility in municipal activities Requested to take initiatives including judicious allotment of jeeps for mayors.
- A municipality is an essential service institution. Vehicles may be searched in any municipality subject to the opinion of the municipality except in cases of extreme urgency. Otherwise, people will be deprived of the services they want.
- For the management of clean water, it is necessary to build a modern technology-based plant and a modern children's park along with the necessary manpower recruitment system.
- Service activities in municipalities are constantly increasing. Immunization activities, registration requirements for road dividers, tree planting on road dividers, child park management, payment of judgments, water bill and holding fee bills, due to the increase in the scope of cleanliness activities, it is not possible to appoint regular permanent employees to keep municipal activities running in the public interest. The employee is working. For the sake of providing services, I request to take further action through discussion on this matter. In keeping with the times, new posts need to be created to run the municipalities dynamically. There is an opportunity to cancel temporary and contract manpower if there is provision for recruitment of people according to the structure. Otherwise the service will be interrupted.
- Labor is required to implement the Bindi activities of the municipality on a daily basis. There should be a specific policy in this regard.
- Arrangements are requested to organize 'Mayor's Conference' every year to exchange views with the Mayors and keep informed about the progress in various activities of Perlava.
- Adopting rational solutions for the disposal of previous accumulated undisclosed audit objections in municipalities.
- To take measures to provide management of lease of launch ghat/boat wharf in municipal area in favor of municipality.
- Municipality is a service institution. Disruption of connections for outstanding municipal electricity bills disrupts provision of emergency services, especially water supply and street lighting services. To take necessary measures to provide financial assistance for payment of outstanding electricity bills in favor of the municipality.
- Making income tax certificate not mandatory for issuing trade license in municipalities.