Photo Contest on
Youth Engagement for Raising Awareness in Safe Sanitation System to Achieve SDG 6.2
Municipal Association of Bangladesh (MAB) invites the youth of Bangladesh to participate in the 2023 Photo Contest Under the main theme of
Safe Sanitation for All.
The Photo Contest will have 3 (Three) winners.
Since 2017, MAB has been mandated by United Cities and Local Governments Asia Pacific (UCLG ASPAC) to implement a project titled ‘Municipalities Network Advocacy on Sanitation in South Asia (MuNASS II)’. The goal of MuNASS Phase II is to develop and demonstrate innovation in safely managed sanitation to achieve SDG 6.2 and mainstream into the regional agenda, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations. Also, the engagement of youth for mass awareness and supportive role of youth would be a great contribution in the sectoral progress.
Rules & Regulation:
By entering the “Safe Sanitation for all” photography contest 2023 organized by Municipalities Network Policy Advocacy on Sanitation in South Asia (MuNASS II) under Municipal association of Bangladesh (MAB), in collaboration of UCLG Asia Pacific, it is the responsibility of each contestant to ensure that they have read all the rules and well abide by these Rules.
Submission: Free to enter.
Any students of Bangladeshi National (HSC, A Level to above, Age < 26), who have a valid Photo ID from his/ her Education Institute.
Entrant is the sole owner of Copyright and creator of the image.
Safe and Inclusive Sanitation related to any kind of photos.
Photos of people or in a group, candid, humorous, journalistic, interpretative portrait and meaningful.
(If the submitted images include minors, or models/subjects incapable of explicitly consenting to being photographed, the applying participant may be required to provide written consent of the subject’s parents/custodians to use the image, according to circumstances)
Number of entries:
Contestant may submit maximum three (3) entries/ Photos.
Jpeg/jpg format, saved at a highest quality setting. (Printable size).
Color Space in Adobe RGB. No border, watermarks or signature should be included.
Entries must be original work of the contestant.
Entries are only acceptable in digital format; black & white image are also allowed for entry. photo taken by DSLR & Mobile camera both are acceptable.
All images submitted will compulsorily need to be Titled and small description (20 Words Max). Any submission that have no title or labelled as “untitled” will be disqualified.
Submission after last date will be not acceptable.
Entrants should not include their name in the caption or on the images captured. Camera and lens specifications, exposure information should be kept intact.
Entrant must submit participants information form. (See the first comment)
Valid photo ID along their submission.
Where to submit:
Three winners will be announced by second week of December.
Crest, certificate and Attractive prizes will be given in Dhaka.
Extended Submission Deadline:
15 December 2023, 11;59 PM