Vision, Mission & Scope of Work

Our Vision

Vision: To include all the municipalities of Bangladesh as a family and representing as a united voice to make the local government dynamic, effective, strong and public friendly organization by ensuring democratic decentralization and good governance.

Our Mission

Mission: To ensure the civil rights to the municipal dwellers, To promote strong and effective democratic local self-government, To undertake necessary steps for making the municipalities effective by developing proper management, finance and administration. And to ensure participatory democratic management., To undertake capacity building initiatives to elected representatives, officers and staffs., To establish the municipalities as  corruption free institutions by creating an environment of transparency and accountability, To create a good relationship between dwellers, administration, national service providing organizations, government organizations, non-government organizations, donor agencies, media and municipalities and undertake various projects, To initiate policy reform activities and to ensure good governance by advocacy., To utilize the best practices on ICT. Gather and exchange the knowledge within the country and abroad., Reform and correct the circulars and policies which are conflicting to the municipalities’ interests by negotiating with national government and undertake various activities., To performing as a facilitator and coordination body with the Urban Wing of the Local Government Division of the National Government of Bangladesh., To generate support and resources from national and international sources in order to maintain its network and carry out programs in favor of municipalities and the association. 

Scope of Work

“Scope of Work: -Decentralized cooperation (municipalities/other local governments)., Advocacy., Capacity building and training., Research and knowledge management., Project development and management.

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